Borisenko, Alexander A.


Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Optimization


Sumy State University

2, Rimsky-Korsakov Street

40007 Sumy, Ukraine

e-mail: [email protected]


1969 - 1972 Postgraduate studies at Geometry Department of Kharkov State University

1964 - 1969 Master studies at Kharkov State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Membership in the Academy

1995 – Corresponding-member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1993 - Academician of the Academy of Higher School of Ukraine


1983 - Doctor of Sciences in Geometry and Topology, Moscow State University

1973 - Candidate of Sciences in Geometry and Topology, Kharkov State University

1969 - Master of Sciences in Mathematics, Kharkov State University


2010 - Laureate of A. V. Pogorelov's Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

2005 - State Ukrainian Prize Laureate

2002 - Laureate of Krilov's Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


2012 - present - Full Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Optimization, Sumy State University

1980 – 2012 - Full Professor, Head of the Geometry Department, Kharkov State University

1975 - 1980 - Associate Professor of the Geometry Department, Kharkov State University

1973 - 1975 - Assistant Professor geometry of the Geometry Department, Kharkov State University

Member (Travel Grants):

2002 - International Congress of Mathematicians (China, Beijing)

1994 - International Congress of Mathematicians (Switzerland , Zurich).

Visiting Professor:

2013, 2010 University of Haifa (Israel)

2010 Technical University of Berlin (Germany)

2008 University of Brasilia (Brasil)

2003 University of Rome "La Sapienza", (Italy)

2000 University Autonoma de Barselona (Spain)

2000 Centre de Recerca Mathematica (Barselona, Spain)

1997, 1999, 2000 , 2004 , 2008 University of Valencia (Spain)

1996, 2008 University of Brazilia (Brazil)

1995 Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey)


  1. On spherical image of a shortest line on a convex surface.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1971,V.10,P.11-12.
  2. On the structure of hypersurfaces with a zero spherical image of hausdorf measure.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1972,V.12,P.36-45.
  3. On the class of Riemannian spaces of a strong negative curvature.//Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1973,V.13,P.15-18.
  4. On the structure of l-dimensional surfaces with a degenerated second fundamental form in n-dimensional Euclidean space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1973,V.13,P.18-27.
  5. On the structure of a continuous surface, containing straight line.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1973,V.14,P.21-24.
  6. On complete surfaces in the spaces of a constant curvature.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1974,V.15,P.8-16.
  7. On compact surfaces of nonpositive extrinsic curvature in the spherical space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1975,V.17,P.33-35.
  8. On straight lines on the complete noncompact 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1975,V.17,P.35-44.
  9. On the Euler characteristic of compact surfaces of the negative extrinsic curvature in Riemannian space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1975,V.18,P.20-25.
  10. On saddle surfaces in the spherical space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb., 1975,V.18,P.25-27
  11. On compact surfaces of negative extrinsic curvature in Riemannian space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1976,V.19,P.9-11
  12. On isometric imbedding of the pseudoriemannian spaces of a constant curvature.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1976,V.19, P.11-19.
  13. A class of a Riemannian space./ Mathem.Encyclopedia, 1979,V.1.
  14. Complete l-dimensional surfaces of nonpositive extrinsic curvature in a Riemannian space.// Matematicheskii Sbornik USSR,1977,V.104(146),No 4(12),P.559-577. (English translation Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1977, V.33, No 4,P. 485–499)
  15. The correction to the paper "On a structure of huper-surfaces with a zero spherical of Hausdorf measure".// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1978,V.21,P.141.
  16. A Curvature./Encyclopaedia(UKRAINE),1980.
  17. On Pontryagin classes of compact surfaces in a spherical space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1980,V.23,P.24-30.
  18. On compact surfaces with a field of principal directions in a spherical space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1980,V.23,P.30-32.
  19. On surfacesof nonpositive extrinsic curvature in a spaces of a constant curvature.// Mathematicheskii Sbornic USSR,1981,V.114(156),No 3,P.339-354. (English translation Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1982, V. 42, No 3, P. 297–310)
  20. Ecstrinsically geometric and topological properties of parabolic and saddle surfaces in rank one summetric spaces.// Soviet.Math.Dokl.,1981,V.23,No 2. 783-788
  21. On parabolic surfaces in the Euclidean spaces.// Ukr.geom.Sb.,1982,V.25,P.3-6.
  22. On a grapfical minimal surfaces.// Ukr.geom.Sb.,1982, V.25,P.6-8.
  23. On the extrinsic geometric properties of parabolic surfaces and topological properties of saddle surfaces in Symmetric spaces of rank 1.// Math.Sb.USSR,1981, V.116(158),P.440-457. (English translation Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1983, V44(3), P.401–415)
  24. The surfaces with a degenerated spherical image (co-author Lisitsa V.T.).// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1984,V.27,P.12-22.
  25. Construction of the graphs (co-author Jakuba M.A.)./ Preprint,Kharkov State University,1984.
  26. On complete parabolic surfaces in a Euclidean space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1985,V.28,P.8-19.
  27. On some classes of manydimensional surfaces.// Ukr. Geom.Sb.,1986,V.29,P.5-12.(English translation Journal of Soviet Mathematics, 1990, V.51, №2, p.2191-2196)
  28. On cylindercity of the tangent bundles of the strong parabolic metrics and the strong parabolic surfaces (co-author Yampol'sky A.L.).// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1986,V.29,P.12-32. (English translation Journal of Soviet Mathematics, 1990, V.51, № 2, p. 2197-2212)
  29. On algebraical surfaces which are given by a homo- geneons polynomial (co-author Nikolaevsky J.A.).// Ukr.geomSb.,1987,V.30,P.3-10.(English translation Journal of Soviet Mathematics, October 1990, Volume 51, Issue 5, pp 2497-2502)
  30. Sectional curvature of the Sasaki metric T M (co-author Yampol'sky A.L.).//Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1987,V.30,P.10-18. (English translation Journal of Soviet Mathematics, October 1990, Volume 51, Issue 5, pp 2503-2508)
  31. On the Sasaki metric of tangent and normal bundles (co-author Yampolsky A.L.).// Soviet Math. Dokl., 1987,V.294,No 1,P.19-23.
  32. On extremal properties of compact surfaces of nonpo-sitive extrinsic curvature.// Soviet Math. Dokl.,1987, V.133,No 1, p. 112-126
  33. On the Sasaki metric of tangent and normal bundle of the submanifold in a Riemannian manifold (co-author Yampolsky A.L.).// Mathematicheskii Sbornik USSR, 1987,V.134(176),No 2,P.158-176.(English translation Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1989, V62, №1, P.157–175)
  34. On extremal properties of compact parabolic surfaces in a Riemannian space.// Matematicheskii Sbornik USSR, 1987,V.133(175),No 1,P.112-126. (English translation Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1988, V61, №1, P.113–127)
  35. On normal curvature and topological structure of the manydimensional surfaces in the spherical space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1988,V.31,P.3-14(English translation Normal curvature and the topological structure of multidimensional surfaces in a spherical space\\ Journal of Soviet MathematicsMarch 1991, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp 675-678)
  36. On a characteristical property of the manydimensional cylindrical surfaces (co-author Ushakov V.G.).// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1988,V.31,P.19-25. (English translation A characteristic property of multidimensional cylindrical surfaces\\ Journal of Soviet Mathematics, March 1991, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp 678-683)
  37. On surfaces for which the Chern-Lashof curvature is equal to the area of the Grassmanian image.// Mathematicheskie Zametki,1989,V.46,№3,P.9-11. (English translation Mathematical Notes, 1989, V.46, №3, p. 687-688)
  38. The point-wise classification of 3-dimensional surfaces by the Grassmanian image(co-author Nikolaevsky J.A.).//Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1989,V.32,P.17-27. (English translation Classification of the points of three-dimensional surfaces according to the Grassmann image\\ Journal of Soviet MathematicsApril 1992, Volume 59, Issue 2, pp 697-709)
  39. On surfaces with maximal curvature along the Grassmanian image (co-author Nikolaevsky J.A.).// Mathematicheskie Zametki,1990,V.48,No 3,P.12-20. (English translation Mathematical Notes, V.48,No 3,P. 880–885)
  40. Affine classification of the multidimensional surfaces points.// Sibirskii Math. Journal,1990, V.31,No 3,P.19-30. (English translation Siberian Mathematical Journal, 1990, V. 31, № 3, p. 379-387)
  41. On cylindrical multidimensional surfaces in Lobachevsky space.// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1990,V.33,P.18-27. (English translation Cylindrical multidimensional surfaces in Lobachevsky space\\ Journal of Soviet Mathematics, February 1991, Volume 53, Issue 5, pp 474-480)
  42. On isometric imbedding of the strongly parabolic metrics into the class of strongly parabolic surfaces. (co-author Ushakov V.G.)// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1990,V.33,P.27-36. (English translation The isometric immersion of strongly parabolic metrics in the class of strongly parabolic surfaces\\ Journal of Soviet Mathematics, February 1991, Volume 53, Issue 5, pp 481-487)
  43. On a structure of complete noncompact convex hypersurface in E with bound mean curvature (co-author Sergienko L.N.).// Ukr.Geom.Sb.,1991, V.34,P.8-9. (English translation The structure of an infinite, complete, convex hypersurface inE 4 with bounded mean curvature\\ Journal of Mathematical Sciences, March 1994, Volume 69, Issue 1, pp 829-830)
  44. Grassman manifolds and Grassmanian image of submanifolds (co-author Nikolaevsky J.A.).// Uspekhi Math. Nauk,1991,V.46,No 2(278),P.41-83 (English translation Math. Surveys,v.46,No 2, 1991,p.45-94)
  45. Riemannian geometry for Bundles (co-author Yampol'sky A.L.).// Uspekhi Math. Nauk,1991,V.46,No 6(282), P.51-96 (English translation Russian Math. Surveys,v.46, No 6,1991,p.55-106)
  46. On the rigidity of the multidimensional submanifolds by the Grassman image.// Mathematicheskie Zametki,1992,V.51,No 1,P.8-15. (English translation Mathematical Notes, 1992,V.51,No 1,P.6–11)
  47. On isometric submanifolds of arbitrary codimension in Euclidean spaces with the same Grassmanian image.// Mathematicheskie Zametki,1992,V.52,No 4,P.29-34. (English translation Mathematical Notes, 1992,V.52,No 4,P. 1012–1015)
  48. On Liuvill's type theorem for the equation of special Lagrange submanifolds.//Mathematicheskie Zametki,1992, V.52,No 5,P.22-25.(English translation Mathematical Notes,1992, V.52,No 5,P.1094–1096)
  49. On the structure of parabolic Kahler submanifolds in Kahler manifolds (co-author Ostroumov S.A.)// Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry1994,V.1,No 1, P.60-77.
  50. On the cylindricity of complete strongly parabolic Kahler submanifolds in complex Hermitian space (co-author Ostroumov S.A.)// Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry,1995,V.2,No.3/4,P.284-295.
  51. On compact submanifolds of nonpositive extrinsic curvature in Riemannian space // Math. Zametki, 1996, V.60, N 1, 3-10. (English translation Mathematical Notes, 1996, V.60, N 1,,P. 3-7)
  52. Convex surfaces in Lobachevsky space (co-author Vlasenko D.) // Matem. Fiz., Anal., Geometriya, Kharkov,1997,V.4,No.3,P.1-8.
  53. Saddle submanifolds in Riemannian space (co-authors K.Tenenblat, M.Rabelo) // Geometriae Dedicata,1997, V.67(2),P.233-243.
  54. Foliations of negative extrinsic curvature in a Riemannian space // Matem. Zametki, Moskow,1997, V.67,No.5,P.673-676. (English translation Mathematical Notes, 1997, V.67,No.5,P. 562–565)
  55. Extrinsic geometry strongly parabolic multidimensional submanifolds // Uspekhi Math. Nauk,1997,V.52,No.6,P.3-52. (English translation Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1997, 52:6, 1141–1190)
  56. Extrinsic geometry parabolic and saddle multidimensional submanifolds // Uspekhi Math. Nauk,1998,V.53,No.6,P.3-50 (English translation Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1998, 53:6, 1111–1158)
  57. Total curvature of convex hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space (co-author V.Miquel)// Ilinois Journal of Mathematics,1999,V.43,No.1, P.1-17.
  58. Strongly parabolic timelike submanifolds of Minkovsky space (co-authors Rabelo M., Tenenblat K.) // Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, Kharkov,1999,V.6,No.1-2,P.1-12.
  59. Compact Hopf hypersurfaces // Dokl. NAN Ukr.,1999,No.8, P.13-17.
  60. Asymptotic behavior of volume of convex sets in Adamar manifold (co-author D.Vlasenko)// Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, Kharkov,1999,V.6,No.3-4,P.223-233
  61. Explicit saddle surfaces in spherical space // Uspechi Mat. Nauk, 1999, V.54, N.5, P.151-152. (English translation Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1999, 54:5, 1021–1022)
  62. Local convex hypersurfaces in Hadamard manifolds // Mat. Zametki, 2000, V.67, N.4, P.498-507. (English translation Mathematical Notes, 2000, V.67, N.4, P.425 – 432)
  63. About volumes of convex bodies in manifolds of nonpositive sectional curvature (co-author D.Vlasenko)// Dopovidi National Acad. Nauk Ukr.,2000,No.6,P.10-14
  64. Relation between area and volume for lambda-convex sets in Hadamard manifolds (co-authors E.Gallego and A.Reventos) // Differential geometry and its Applications, 2001, V.14, p.267-280.
  65. On the global structure of Hopf hypersurfaces in a complex space form // Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 2001, V.45,N.1, p.265-277
  66. Isometric immersions space forms in Riemannian and pseudoriemannian spaces of constant curvature //Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 2001, V.56, N.3, p.3-78(English translation Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2001, 56:3, 425–497)
  67. Mathematics and Society // Universitates, Kharkov, 2001, N.1, p.18-26.
  68. The structure of Hopf hypersurfaces in Sasaki and 3-Sasaki space forms (co-author V.Miquel) // Proceedings of Toponogov's conference "Geometry and application", Novosibirsk (13-16 Martch 2000), Mathematics Institute, 2001, p.17-25.
  69. A quantitative estimation of representative volume in hydrodynamics (co-author Nemets K. A., Yampolsky E.A.) // Bulletin of Kharkov National University,Ser. Geology-Geography –Economy, 2001, N.521, p.93-100.
  70. Comparasion Theorem on Hypersurfaces in Hadamard Manidold ( co-author V.Miquel ) // Diffferential Geometry and its Applications, 2002, v.17, p.191-202
  71. Convex sets in Hadamard manifold// Diffferential Geometry and its Applications, 2002, v.17, p.111-121
  72. Classification of two-dimensional and three-dimensional surfaces points on Grassmann image//Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 2002,V..9, N.4, p.572-594
  73. The prominent mathematic of XX century// Universitates, 2003, № 4, p. 55-60
  74. Structure of Hopf Hypersurfaces in Sasakian and 3-Sasakian space forms// Siberian Advances in Mathematics, 2003, v.13,N.3, p.54-61
  75. Complex submanifolds with extremal curvature (co-author Leybina O.V.)// Dopovidi of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ser. Mathematics, 2004, N.10.
  76. Extremal properties of Lobachevsky space (co-author Vlasenko D.I.)// Dopovidi of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ser. Mathematics, 2004, N.12.
  77. Absolute Chern-Lashof curvature of complex submanifolds and the volume of Grassmann image (co-author Leybina O.V.) // Math. Zametki, 2007, v.81, №5 p. 666-675 (English translation Mathematical Notes, 2007, V.81, №5, p. 596-604)
  78. Convex hypersurfaces in Hadamard manifolds// Complex Contact and Symmetric manifolds,Ser. Progress in Mathematics, 2005, v.234, p.50-68
  79. Geometry of submanifolds and Riemannian spaces,// Fundamental guiding line of science (Mathematics, Informatics, Mechanics), Collections of articles, Kyiv, Publish House “Academperiodika”, 2005, p. 43-57
  80. Compact spacelike surfaces in the 3-dimensional de Sitter space// Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 2006, v. 2, №1, p. 3-8
  81. Pogorelov is the mathematician of wonderfull power, // Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 2006, № 3, 231-268
  82. Hypothesis of Poincare and Thurston, Universitates, 2006, №3, p.24-33
  83. About topology of saddle submanifolds, (co-author V.Rovenski), Diff. Geom. and its Appl 2007. – Vol. 25. – № 2. p. 220-233
  84. Some comparison theorems in Finsler-Hadamard manifolds, (co-author Olin E.L.), Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry,№3, 2007, p. 298-312
  85. Chern–Lashof Absolute Curvature of Complex Submanifolds and Volumes of Grassmann Images, (co-author O.V. Leibina), Mat. Zametki, 2007, V.81, №5, p. 666 – 675 (English translation Mathematical Notes, 2007, V.81, №5, p. 596–604)
  86. About connection between the volume and the area of balls in Finsler-Hadamard manifolds (co-author E.Olin) Report of NAS of Ukraine, 2007, #6, p. 1 – 4
  87. Asymptotic properties of Hilbert geometry (co-author E.Olin), Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 2008, V.4, #3, p. 327 – 345
  88. A. M. Lyapunov (1857-1918) (On his 150th birthday). Visnyk, seriya “Mat.,Prikl.Mat I Mech.” 2008, #790, p. 41-52
  89. Alexei Mihajlovich Lyapunov (On his 150th birthday), Universitates, №16, 2008, с.84-91
  90. Outstanding mathematician of the XX century, Universitates, 2008, с.125-130
  91. On Isometric Immersion of Nilmanifolds in Euclidean space, Mat. Zametki, 2010, V.87, №1, p. 130 – 132 (English translation Mathematical Notes, 2010, V.87, №1, p. 122-124)
  92. Some comparison theorems in Finsler and Minkowski spaces, ActaMath. AcademiaePaedagogicaeNyíregyháziensis, 2010, Vol. 26, No. 2, p. 231-245
  93. The Global Structure of Locally Convex Hypersurfaces in Finsler–Hadamard Manifolds (co-author E.Olin), Mat.Zametki, 2010, V.87, №2, p. 163 – 174 (English translation Mathematical Notes, 2010, V.87, №2, p. 155-164)
  94. Gaussian mean curvature flow (co – author V.Miquel), Journal of Evolution Equations 10(2010), 413-423
  95. One-to-One Projectability of Closed Surfaces in a Spherical Space, Mat. Zametki, 2011, V.89, №1, p. 120 - 121 (English translation Mathematical Notes, 2011, V.89, №1, p. 131-132)
  96. Surfaces in the Three-Dimensional Heisenberg Group on Which the Gauss Map Has Bounded Jacobian (co-author E.Petrov), Mat.Zametki, 2011, V.89, №5, p. 794 – 796 (English translation Mathematical Notes, 2011, V.89, №5, p. 746-748)
  97. Curvatures of hyperspheres in the Hilbert geometry (co-author E.Olin), Reports of NAS of Ukraine, #4, 2011, p. 15 – 19.
  98. About an angle comparison theorem for closed curves (co-author K.Drach), Reports of NAS of Ukraine, #6, 2011, p. 7 – 11.
  99. About the curvature of some family of plane curves (co-author M.Golitsyna),Reports of NAS of Ukraine, #7, 2011, p. 12 – 16.
  100. On the 90th Anniversary of Geometry Department of Kharkiv University, Universitates №1 (2011), 58–66
  101. Curvature hypersphere in Hilbert Geometry (co-author E.Olin) Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2012, V.254, #2, p. 257-273.
  102. On the total curvature of curves in a Minkowski space(co-author Keti Tenenblat), Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2012, V.191, N.2, p. 755 – 769
  103. Mean curvature flow of graphs in warped products(co-author Vicente Miquel), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2012, N. 364, p. 4551-4587
  104. About flag curvature of two-dimensional surfaces in three-dimensional Randers spaces (co-author S. Myroshnichenko) Reports of NAS of Ukraine, 2012, #11
  105. About the sphericity of hypersurfaces with normal curvature bounded from below (co-author K. Drach), Matematicheskii Sbornik, 2013, V.204, №11, 21-40 (English translation Sbornik: Mathematics, 2013, 204:11, 1565–1583)


  1. Analytical geometry (co-author Ushakova L.N.).// Publ. "Osnova",Kharkov,1993,191 p.
  2. Differential Geometry and Topology. Publ."Osnova", Kharkov, 1995, 300 p.
  3. Intrinsic and extrinsic geometry of multidimensional submanifolds// Moscow, Publish house “Examen”, 2003. 670p
  4. An introduction to Hamilton and Perelman’s work on the conjectures of Poincare and Thurston, (co-authors E. Cabezas-Rivas, V. Miquel-Molina), Matematiques, 3, 2 (2006), 1–150 p.


  1. On complete surfaces in the spherical space./ Abstracts of the All-Union Conference, Samarkand,1972.
  2. On compact surfaces of the negative extrinsic curvature in a Riemannian space./ Abstract of the All-Union Conference, Vilnjus,1975.
  3. On isometric imbedding of pseudoriemannian spaces./ Abstract of the All-Union Conference, Kazan,1976.
  4. Surfaces of nonpositive curvature in a pseudoriemannian space./ Abstracts of VII All-Union Conference,1979,Minsk
  5. On cylindercity of complete parabolic surfaces in a Euclidean space./ Abstracts of the Symposium on the global Geometry,1982,Novosibirsk.
  6. On compact minimal hypersurfaces in a pseudoriemannian space./ Abstracts of the All-Union School on the function theory,1983,Kemerovo.
  7. Multidimensional parabolic surfaces./ Abstracts of the International Congress of mathematicians,1983,Warsaw.
  8. The surfaces in the tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold (co-author Yampol'sky A.L.)./ Abstracts of the All-Union Conference on Geometry,1984,Odessa.
  9. On Gauss curvature of the algebraical surfaces./ Abstracts of the All-Union School "Geometry and Analysis. Optimal control",1986,Kemerovo.
  10. On Geometry of the normal bundle with the Sasaki metric./ Abstracts of the All-Union School "Geometry and Analysis. Optimal control",1986,Kemerovo.
  11. On the Grassmannian image of 3-dimensional surfaces (co-author Nikolaevsky J.A.)./ Abstracts of All-Union Conference on global Geometry,1987,Novosibirsk.
  12. On local structure of a lined surfaces (co-author Ushakov V.G.)./Abstracts of All-Union Conference on global Geometry,1987,Novosibirsk.
  13. On a topological structure of the multidimensional surfaces in the spherical space./ Abstracts of the international topological Conference,1987,Baku.
  14. On surfaces with maximal curvature of the Grassmsnian image (co-author Nikolaevsky J.A.)./ Abstracts of the All-Union Conference,1988,Kishinev.
  15. On the structure of gilbert submanifolds of nonposi tive extrinsic curvature (co-author Okrut S.I.)./ Abstracts of the All-Union Conference,1988,Kishinev.
  16. On cylindrical manydimensional surfaces in the Lobachevskij space./ Abstracts of the All-Union Conference on Geometry and Analyses,1989,Novosibirsk.
  17. A submanifolds with q-dimensional index of the relative nullity (co-author Okrut S.I.)./ Abstracts of the All-Union Conference of Geometry and Analyses,1989,Novosibirsk.
  18. On the sectional curvature of the Grassman manifold along the Gauss image of a submanifold (co-author Nikolaevsky J.A.)./ Abstracts of the Colloquium on Differential Geometry,1989,Hungary, Eger.
  19. On exstremal properties of compact surfaces of nonpositive extrinsic curvature in a Riemannian space./ Abstracts of the Colloqium on Differential Geometry,1989,Hungary,Eger.
  20. On unique determination izometric submanifolds by Grassmann image// Abstact of the Colloqium on Differential geometry, Rostov-na-Donu, 1990
  21. On Isometric submanifolds of the arbitrary codimension with the same Grassmanian image./ Abstracts of the 3-Congress of Geometry,1991,Thessaloniki.
  22. Compact submanifolds of nonpositive extrinsic curvature in Riemannian space./ Abstracts of Internations Conference,1992,Kazan,P.17.
  23. On the cylindricity of kcehlerian submanifolds in Complex Euclidean space (co-author Ostroumov S.A.)./ Abstracts of Internations Conference,1992,Kazan,P.18.
  24. Strong Parabolic submanifolds in Riemannian space./ Abstracts of Republican scientific Conference,1992, Odessa,P.58-59.
  25. The structure of compact Riemannian manifolds of nonpositive and negative sectional curvature.// Abstracts of IX International Conference on Topologe and its applications,1992,Kiev,P.58
  26. On the structure Kahler submanifolds// Abstracts Intern. Mathematical Congress, 1995.
  27. The Foliations of Extrinsic Negative Curvature on a Riemannian Manifold// Abstracts of Intern. Conference, Brno, 1995.
  28. On the structure of Kahler submanifolds // Abstracts International Math. Congress, Zurich, 1994.
  29. Strong parabolic timelike submanifolds of Minkovsky space (co-author Rabelo M.)// 4-th International Congress of Geometry, Thessaloniki, 1996, Abstracts, p.15.
  30. The convex surfaces in Lobachevski space // Intern. geometrical workshop to Efimov's honor, Abrau-Durso, 1996, Abstracts, p.37-38.
  31. On saddle submanifolds of Riemannian manifold (co-authors Rabelo M., Tenenblat K.)// Conf. on Diff. Geometry, Budapest, July 27-30, 1996, p.24-27.
  32. Grassmann classification of points of two-dimensional complex surfaces (co-author Leibina O.V.) // Theses of the 4-th International Conference on geometry and topology, 1. Tcherkassy, 2001, p.16.
  33. Global structure Hopf hypersurfaces in symmetric spaces of rank 1// International Congress on Differential Geometry in memory of Alfred Gray, september, 2001, p.13
  34. Classification of three-dimensional complex surfaces points on Grassmann image // Abstract of International conf. on geometry and analysis, Novosibirsk, 2002, p.32-33
  35. Convex hypersurfaces in Hadamard space// Abstracts of International Confer. Honor of L. Vanhecke. June, 2003, Lecce, Italy, p.21
  36. Complex submanifolds with extremal curvature ( co-author Leybina O.V.) Abstract of International conf. on geometry and analysis, Novosibirsk, 2004, p.69-70
  37. Chern-Lashof absolute curvature for a complex submanifold and the volume of the Grassmann image (co-author) // Book of abstracts first Karazin scientific readings, Kharkiv, June, 2004, p.23
  38. Extremal properties of Lobachevsky spase (co-author Vlasenko D. I.) // Abstract of International conf. on geometry and analysis, Novosibirsk, 2004, p. 67-68
  39. Asymptotic properties of spheres and balls in Finsler and Hilbert geometries, (co-author Olin E.A.) Abstract of Third Russian-German Geometry Meeting dedicated to 95th birthday of A.D. Alexandrov, St.Petersburg, p.32-33, 2007
  40. Asymptotic properties of Hilbert geometry (co-author Olin E.A.) Abstracts of int. conf. “Tarapov Readings”, Kharkov, 2008, p. 157 – 160
  41. On the curvature of hyperspheres in Hilbert geometry (co-author E.Olin) Abstracts of int.conf. “Metric geometry of surfaces and polytopes”, Moscow, 2010, p. 13 – 14.
  42. The normal curvatures of hypersurfaces in Hilbert geometry (co-author E.Olin) Abstracts of the internactional conference "Geometry, Topology, Algebra and Number Theory, Applications", Moskow, 2010. , p. 65.
  43. Finsler geometry of curves and surfaces (co-author E.Olin) Abstracts of int. conf. “Tarapov Readings”, Kharkov, 2011, p. 140
  44. On the refinement of the classical isoperimetric inequality (co-author K.Drach) Abstracts of int. conf. “Tarapov Readings”, Kharkov, 2011, p. 139 – 140.
  45. Finsler geometry of curves and surfaces (co-author E.Olin) Abstracts of the international conference «Finsler extensions of relativity theory». - Brasov, 2011. -P. 2-3.
  46. Extreme problems for convex hypersurfaces (co-author K.Drach) Abstracts of the International Conference Differential Geomery and Its Applications DGA 2013, Brno, 2013, p.31.