Personal Data
Name and surname: Oleksii Khomenko (middle name Vitalievych).
Date of birth: April 27, 1971.
Place of birth: Kaliningrad, USSR (now Russian Federation).
Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Languages: Russian (mother tongue), English, Ukrainian.
Status: Married, two daughters (1995, 2006).
Office address:
Department of Applied Mathematics and Complex Systems Modeling, Sumy State University, Rimskii-Korsakov St., 2, 40007, Sumy, Ukraine Tel.(office): +38 0542 333155 Fax.(office): +38 0542 334058 E-mail: [email protected] Web-page:
University and Professional Training
Graduated from Engineering Faculty of Sumy Physical and Technological Institute, qualification - Engineer of Electronic Technics (M.S.), specialties - Theoretical Physics and Electronic Engineering, June, 1993 (Diploma with honor).
Ph.D. from Sumy State University in Theoretical Physics and Solid State Physics, 1996. Thesis advisors: Prof. A.I.Olemskoi, Sumy State University; Prof. V. F. Klepikov, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Electrophysics and Radiation Technologies of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv. Thesis title: Exploitation of Synergetic Models in Phase Transitions Theory of Condensed Medium (in Russian).
Academic status Doсent in Department of Physical Electronics, Sumy State University, December, 2000.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in Solid State Physics from Sumy State University, 2009. Thesis title: Self-organization and formation of low-dimensional systems when moving off equilibrium (in Russian).
Academic status Professor in Department of Complex Systems Modeling, Sumy State University, May, 2012.
(08.1993 - 11.1993) Junior Researcher at Theoretical Physics Department, Sumy State University.
(12.1993 - 10.1996) Post-graduate student at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University (Supervisors: Prof. A. I. Olemskoi, Prof. V. F. Klepikov).
(09.1993-06.1995) Part-time Lecturer at Theoretical Physics, General and Experimental Physics Departments, Sumy State University.
(10.1996 - 08.2001) Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Docent (Associate Professor)at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University.
(01.09.2000-01.12.2008) Vice-Head of Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University.
(09.2001 - 08.2004) Work for doctor degree at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University; Part-time Docent (Associate Professor) at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University.
(01.09.2004-31.08.2009) Docent (Associate Professor) at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University.
(09.2009 - 02.2011) Docent (Associate Professor) at Department of Complex Systems Modeling, Sumy State University.
(02.2011 - 08.2016) Professor at Department of Complex Systems Modeling, Sumy State University.
(since 09.2016) Professor at Department of Applied Mathematics and Complex Systems Modeling, Sumy State University.
Teaching Courses
Courses at Physical Electronics Department of Sumy State University (1996-2009):
- Physics of Condensed Matter.
- Elasticity Theory.
- Electrodynamics of Continuum Matters.
- Methods of Phase Transitions Investigation.
- Amorphous materials.
- Theory of Electromagnetic Field.
- Biometrics and Decision Making.
Courses at Department of Applied Mathematics and Complex Systems Modeling:
- Modeling of physical processes and systems (modelingof stochastic processes and systems).
- Information technologies in scientific researches.
- Theory of fractals.
- Medical and biological physics.
- Nonlinear processes and models.
- Mathematical modeling.
- Graphical probabilistic models.
Scientific experience
- Theory of structural and phase transformations in condensed matter.
- Theory of liquid-glass transition.
- Supersymmetric theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamic systems with memory and non-ergodicity effects.
- Nano- and submicrocrystals.
- Explosive crystallization of amorphous materials.
- Jamming transition.
- Plastic deformation.
Actual Research Interests
- Theory of phase transformations in ultrathin lubricant film.
- Field theory of stochastic systems with additive and multiplicative noises.
- Synergetic concept of phase transformation and theory of self-organizing system.
- Thermodynamics of open non-equilibrium systems.
- Nonlinear phenomena in condensed matter.
- Atomistic modeling of tribological phenomena in nano-dimensional systems with carbon surfaces.
- Ice friction.
International Conferences, Schools and Workshops
A.V. Khomenko A.I. Olemskoi, Synergetic theory of spontaneous change of structured liquid viscosity // 10 Winter school in mechanics of continuous matter (1995, Perm', Russia). Abstracts. - P.248 (in Russian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, Classification of phase portraits of self-organizing systems at plastic deformation // International scientific and technical conference the "Aerospace complex: conversion and technologies" (September 11-14, 1995, Zhitomir, Ukraine). Abstracts. - P.64-65 (in Russian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, Theory of explosive crystallization for ultradisperse amorphous film // Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (March 8th-10th, 1999, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany). Abstracts. – P29.
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, Mechanism of explosive crystallization for ultradisperse amorphous film // Proceedings of the XIV International School-Seminar “Spectroscopy of molecules and crystals” (June 7-12, Odessa, 1999, Ukraine). – P.113.
A.V. Khomenko, D.O. Kharchenko, O.V. Yushchenko, Synergetic jamming transition subjected to noise of characteristic acceleration/braking time // XV International School-Seminar “Spectroscopy of molecules and crystals” (June 23-30, 2001, Chernigiv, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.237.
A.V. Khomenko, D.O. Kharchenko, O.V. Yushchenko, Transition between traffic flow modes with account of fluctuations of characteristic acceleration/braking time // Ukrainian conference of young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2002 (May 22-24, 2002, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.189-190 (in Ukrainian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, D.O. Kharchenko, Sandpile Model of Self-organized Criticality within Fractional Lorenz Scheme // Ukrainian conference of young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2002 (May 22-24, 2002, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.165-166.
A.V. Khomenko, O.V. Yushchenko, Synergetic theory of ultrathin lubricant film melting // Ukrainian conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2003 (May 21-23, 2003, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.162.
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, Supersymmetric Theory of Self-organizing System // XVI International School-Seminar “Spectroscopy of molecules and crystals” (25.05-1.06.2003, Sevastopol, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.55.
A. Khomenko, Solid-liquid transition of ultrathin lubricant film with noise and spatial heterogeneity // International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2004 (May 19-21, 2004, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.46-47.
A. Khomenko, Study of phase-plane portraits of self-organizing systems at plastic deformation // International workshop and seminar on Topology in Condensed Matter Physics (May 13 - July 31, 2002, Dresden, Germany).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Stochastic theory of phase dynamics and kinetics of transitions between the modes of ultrathin lubricant film melting // International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2005 (May 24-26, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.17-18.
A.V. Khomenko, Influence of temperature correlations on phase dynamics and kinetics of boundary friction // International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2005 (May 24-26, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.32.
A.V. Khomenko, Synergetics of phase dynamics of ultrathin lubricant film // International Conference “Statistical Physics 2005: Modern Problems and New Applications” (August 28–30, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine). Book of abstracts. – P.102.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Stochastic theory of self-similar mode of stick-slip boundary friction // International Conference “Statistical Physics 2005: Modern Problems and New Applications” (August 28–30, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine). Book of abstracts. – P.141.
A.V. Khomenko, Synergetics of friction and boundary lubrication // XVII International School-Seminar “Spectroscopy of molecules and crystals” (20.09-26.09.2005, Beregove, Crimea, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.153.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Stochastic theory of transitions between the modes of ultrathin lubricant film melting // XVII International School-Seminar “Spectroscopy of molecules and crystals” (20.09-26.09.2005, Beregove, Crimea, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.183.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Influence of temperature dependence of viscosity and deformational defect of lubricant shear modulus on kinetics of boundary friction // Third Ukrainian conference of young scientists and specialists „Superhard, composition materials and coverings: obtaining, properties and applications” (April 18-19, 2006, Kyiv, Ukraine). Abstracts. - P. 84-86 (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, M.V. Prodanov, Synergetic kinetics of boundary friction // Third Ukrainian conference of young scientists and specialists „Superhard, composition materials and coverings: obtaining, properties and applications” (April 18-19, 2006, Kyiv, Ukraine). Abstracts. - P. 83-84 (in Russian).
O.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Hysteresis phenomena at boundary friction // International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2006 (May 15-17, 2006, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.48 (in Ukrainian).
O.V. Khomenko, M.V. Prodanov, Synergetic kinetics of ultrathin lubricant film melting // International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2006 (May 15-17, 2006, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.56 (in Ukrainian).
A.V. Khomenko, Synergetics of boundary friction // International Conference “Statistical Physics 2006: Theory and Applications” (September 12–15, 2006, Kharkiv, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.152.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Irreversible phase dynamics of ultrathin lubricant filmat deformational defect of shear modulus // 9 International Conference “High pressures 2006 – Fundamental and applied aspects” (September 17-22, 2006, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.72.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Influence of temperature dependence of viscosity on shear melting of thin lubricant film between flat solid surfaces // 9 International Conference “High pressures 2006 – Fundamental and applied aspects” (September 17-22, 2006, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.73.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Melting of ultrathin lubricant filmwith deformational defect of shear modulus // 2nd International Conference “Quantum Electrodynamics and Statistical Physics - QEDSP2006” (September 19–23, 2006, Kharkov, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.190.
L.S. Metlov, A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Additive noises effect on the process of severe plastic deformation // International Conference «Mesoscopic phenomena in solids» (26.02-01.03.2007, Donetsk, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.73.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Melting of thin lubricant filmdue to the dissipative effects // International Conference «Mesoscopic phenomena in solids» (26.02-01.03.2007, Donetsk, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.74.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, L.S. Metlov, Stochastic theory of fragmentation during the process of severe plastic deformation // Fifth International Conference of Young Scientists and Post-Graduates of the Institute of Electron Physics of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences “IEP’2007” (May, 14-19, 2007, Uzhgorod, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.201 (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Hysteresis during melting of thin lubricant film in the case of first- and second-order phase transition // Fifth International Conference of Young Scientists and Post-Graduates of the Institute of Electron Physics of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences “IEP’2007” (May, 14-19 in Uzhgorod, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P.202 (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko,L.S. Metlov, Phase kinetics of severe plastic deformation // International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2007 (May 22-24, 2007, Lviv, Ukraine). Collection of abstracts. – P.A4 (in Ukrainian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, L.S. Metlov, Noise effect on thermodynamics of fragmentation at severe plastic deformation // International Conference “Functional Materials” (1-6.10.2007, Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine). Abstracts. – P. 279.
International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2008 (May 19-21, 2008, Lviv, Ukraine).
Conference of young scientists “Low temperature physics” (May 20-23, 2008, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
10th International Conference “High pressures – 2008. Fundamental and applied aspects” (September 16-21, 2008, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine).
International Scientific Conference “Physical and chemical principles of formation and modification of micro- and nanostructures” (October 8-10, 2008, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
Ukrainian conference of young scientists “Modern material science: materials and technologies” (MMSMT-2008) (November 12-14, 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine).
2nd Conference of young scientists “Low temperature physics” (June 1-5, 2009, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
International Conference “Statistical Physics 2009: Modern Problems and New Applications” (June23–25, 2009, Lviv, Ukraine).
International Conference “Functional Materials” (5- 10.10.200 9, Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine).
International Scientific Conference “Physical and chemical principles of formation and modification of micro- and nanostructures” (October 21-23, 2009, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
5th International Conference “Physics of liquid matter: modern problems” (May 21-23, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine).
11th International Conference “High pressures – 2010. Fundamental and applied aspects” (September 26-30, 2010, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine).
«Friction and Adhesion in Nanomechanical Systems»conference2010 (October 25-28, Saarbrücken, Germany ).
Nanostructural materials – 2010: Belarus – Russia – Ukraine (NANO - 2010): II International Scientific Conference (October 19-22, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine).
Mediterranean - East Europe Meeting Multifunctional Nanomaterials - Nano Euro Med 2011 (12-14 May 2011, Uzhgorod, Ukraine).
International Conference «Modeling and study of stability of dynamical systems», May 25-27, 2011. – Kiev, Ukraine.
Joint International Center for Theoretical Physics - Friction and Adhesion in Nanomechanical Systems Conference on Trends in Nanotribology, September 12-16, 2011. - Trieste, Italy.
International conference for young scientist «Low temperature physics» (May 14-18, 2012, Kharkov).
International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2012 (April 19-22, 2012, Lviv, Ukraine).
4th conference “Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications” (July 3–6, 2012, Lviv, Ukraine).
12th International Conference “High pressures – 2012. Fundamental and applied aspects” (September 23-27, 2012, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine).
2nd International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties (September 17-22, 2012, Alushta, the Crimea, Ukraine).
International Conference of Young Scientists and Post-Graduates of the Institute of Electron Physics of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences “IEP’2013” (May, 20-23, 2013, Uzhgorod, Ukraine).
International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2013 (May 15-17, 2013, Lviv, Ukraine).
V International congress & exhibition «Non-ferrous metals», XXXI International conference «ICSOBA» (September 4–6, 2013, Krasnoyarsk, Russia).
3rd International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties (September 16-21, 2013, Alushta, the Crimea, Ukraine).
International Conference “Friction and energy dissipation in man-made and biological systems” (5 - 8 November 2013, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy).
International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2014 (May 15-17, 2014, Lviv, Ukraine).
V International conference for young scientist «Low temperature physics-2014» (June 2-6, 2014, Kharkov).
4-th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties (September 21-26, 2014, Lviv, Ukraine).
School-Seminar “Multiscale Modeling of Physical Processes in Condensed Matter” (October 21-23, 2014, Institute of Applied Physics NANU, Sumy, Ukraine).
International conference of students and young scientists in theoretical and experimental physics HEUREKA-2015 (May 13-15, 2015, Lviv, Ukraine).
International Conference of Young Scientists and Post-Graduates of the Institute of Electron Physics of Ukr. Nat. Acad. Sci. “IEP-2015” (May 18-22, 2015, Uzhhorod, Ukraine).
VI International conference for young scientist «Low temperature physics-2015» (June 2-5, 2015, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
XVIІ International Symposium "Discrete singularities methods in mathematical physics" (June 8-13, 2015, Kharkov-Sumy, Ukraine).
7th International Conference “Physics of liquid matter: modern problems” (May 27-30, 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine).
VII International conference for young scientist «Low temperature physics-2016» (June 6-10, 2016, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
4-th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties (September 14-19, 2016, Lviv, Ukraine).
4th International Conference “Nanotechnologies” (October 24 – 27, 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia).
VIII International conference for professionals and young scientist «Low temperature physics-2017» (May 29 - June 2, 2017, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
Joint ICTP-COST-MODPHYSFRICT Conference on “Trends in Nanotribology 2017” (TiN17) (26 - 30 June 2017, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy).
8-th International Conference “Physics of liquid matter: modern problems” (May 18-22, 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine).
IEEE 8-th International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties” (September 9-14, 2018, Zatoka, Ukraine).
5-th Conference “Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications” (July 3–6, 2019, Lviv, Ukraine).
IEEE 9-th International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties” (September 15-20, 2019, Odesa, Ukraine).
XII International Conference “Electronic Processes in Organic and Inorganic Materials” (1-5 June, 2020, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine).
1-st International Research and Practice Conference «Nanoobjects & Nanostructuring» (20–23 September 2020, Lviv, Ukraine).
Awards, Grants and Scholarships
Diploma from Presidium of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for series of works "Exploitation of Synergetic Models in Phase Transitions Theory of Condensed Medium" (1998).
Grants by Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine for young researchers (2000-2002, 2003-2005).
The Annual First Award of Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, in the field of Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory for young researchers (2005) for series of works "Synergetics of dynamic phase modes of boundary friction".
Grant for taking part with presentation in Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (March 8th-10th, 1999, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany).
Grant for taking part with presentation in International workshop and seminar on Topology in Condensed Matter Physics (May 13 - July 31, 2002, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany).
Grants for research visit of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University (22.05 - 18.06.2000, 23.04 - 6.05.2001, 28.04 - 25.05.2003, Czech Republic, Prague).
Grant of the Siberian Federal University to participate with presentations in the 5th International Congress and Exhibition "Non-ferrous metals-2013" (31.08-8.09.2013, Krasnoyarsk, Russia).
Grants for taking part with presentations in: a) Joint International Center for Theoretical Physics - Friction and Adhesion in Nanomechanical Systems Conference on Trends in Nanotribology, September 12-16, 2011; b) International Conference “Friction and energy dissipation in man-made and biological systems” (5 - 8 November 2013); c) Joint ICTP-COST-MODPHYSFRICT Conference on “Trends in Nanotribology 2017” (TiN17) (26 - 30 June 2017, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy); d) Conference “Dissipation mechanisms in nano/mesoscale tribological systems” (6-9 April 2020, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy).
Grants for research visit of the Research Center of Juelich (9.09 - 17.10.11, 30.10.12 - 25.01.13, 1.11.13 - 10.01.14, 12.11 - 5.12.16, 21.11 - 19.12.17, 28.09 - 27.10.18, 30.03 - 25.04.20, Germany).
State budget research works (RW):
RW0197U016609 "Stochastic theory of non-equilibrium condensed state", 1997-1999;
RWof Fundamental Researches State Fund0197U016612 "Study of stochastic systems with multiplicative noise at spontaneous loosing of ergodicity", 1997-1999;
RW0100U003216 "Supersymmetric theory of disordered heteropolymlers", 2000-2002;
RW0103U000772 "Sinergetic theory of condensed medium", 2003-2005;
RW0106U001940 "Statistical theory of the complex systems of economic type", 2006-2008 (responsible performer);
RW0107U001279 "Synergetics of boundary friction", 2007-2008 (scientific supervisor);
RW of Fundamental Researches State Fund 0107U008898 "Statistical non-linear theory of dynamic phase modes of boundary friction in nanodevices", 2007-2011 (scientific leader);
RW0109U001378“Physics of formation of currents of charged particles in devices for diagnostics of materials of atomic energetic”, 2009-2011;
RW of Fundamental Researches State Fundof Ukraine and Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches 0109U007301 „Structural state and mechanical behavior of nanostructural metals and alloys”, 2009-2010;
RW0111U009623“Rheological properties of the tribological systems in the boundary friction mode”, 2011-2016.
RW0112U001380 “Modeling of friction of metal nanoparticles and boundary liquid films which interact with atomically flat surfaces”, 2012-2014 (scientific supervisor).
RW of Fundamental Researches State Fundof Ukraine 0112U007318 “Phenomenological theory of boundary friction in tribological nanosystems”, 2013.
RW of Fundamental Researches State Fund of Ukraine 0113U007248 “Thermodynamic theory of slippage on grain boundaries in problem of nanostructured metals superplasticity”, 2013.
RW 0115U000692 “Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of metals fragmentation and friction of spatially nonhomogeneous boundary lubricants between surfaces with nanodimensional irregularities”, 2015-2017 (scientific supervisor).
RW of Fundamental Researches State Fund of Ukraine 0115U004662 “Modeling of spatially inhomogeneous phenomena of boundary friction at kinetic and static modes”, 2015.
RW 0118U003584 “Atomistic and Statistical Representation of Formation and Friction of Nanodimensional Systems”, 2018-2020.
Supervision of dissertations
Prepared three Philosophy Doctors in Physics and Mathematics:
Lyashenko I.A. defended dissertation «Statistical representation of boundary friction and fragmentations of metals» in specialty 01.04.02 - theoretical physics on 4 of September, 2008 in Institute of the Applied Physics of NAS of Ukraine;
Prodanov N.V. defended dissertation «Atomistic modeling of tribological phenomena in nano-dimensional systems with carbon surfaces» in Sumy State University in specialty 01.04.07 – Solid State Physics on 21 of October, 2011.
Troshchenko D.S. defended dissertation «Nonequilibrium evolutionary thermodynamics of metals fragmentation with taking into account stochasticity» in Sumy State University in specialty 01.04.07 – Solid State Physics on 8 of June, 2018.
Prepared Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics:
Lyashenko I.A. defended dissertation “Phase transitions between kinetic modes of boundary friction” in Sumy State University in specialty 01.04.07 – Solid State Physics on 27 of January, 2017.
Books (books chapters)
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Synergetics of Condensed Matter, Sumy, Sumy State University, 2002, 373 p. (in Russian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, Field Theory of Crystal Defect Structure // A. Finel et al. (eds.), Thermodynamics, Microstructures and Plasticity. – Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - P. 363-373.
A.V. Khomenko. Synergetics of phase and kinetic transitions in low-dimensional systems. Physical fundamentals, concepts and methods, Saarbrücken, Deutschland/Germany: Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2015, 328 p. (in Russian) ISBN: 978-3-659-60374-7
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko. Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and kinetics of metals fragmentation during severe plastic deformation // M.C. Wythers (ed.), Advances in Materials Science Research. – New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2018. V.33, Chap.9. P.231-273. ISBN: 978-1-53614-314-0
A.V. Khomenko. Formation and friction of nanosystems with carbon surfaces. Computer modeling, physics concepts and technologies. Riga, Latvia: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2020. – 180 p. (in Russian) ISBN: 978-620-2-67884-1
I.O. Lyashenko, O.V. Khomenko. Collection of tasks with examples of solutions: in 2 parts. Part 1. Mechanics. Thermodynamics. Electrostatics, Sumy, Sumy State University, 2013, 224 p. (in Ukrainian).
A.V. Dvornichenko, I.O. Lyashenko, O.V. Khomenko, G.S. Kornyushchenko. Collection of tasks with examples of solutions: in 2 parts. Part 2. Electric current. Magnetic field. Optics. Radioactivity. Sumy, Sumy State University, 2015, 230 p. (in Ukrainian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Synergetics of Plastic Deformation // Progress in Physics of Metals, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 189-263 (2001) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Statistical theory of the boundary friction of atomically flat solid surfaces in the presence of a lubricant layer // Physics-Uspekhi, Vol. 55, Issue 10, pp. 1008-1034 (2012).
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, К.P. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, Tribological properties of nano-dimensional systems containing carbon surfaces // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2014. - V.6, No.1.- pp.01012(12pp).
A.V. Khomenko, Severe plastic deformation: methods and mathematical models of nanomaterials formation // Journal of Physical Studies. – Vol.24, No.2, 2001(20 p.) (2020).
Regular Papers
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Three-parameter Kinetics of a Phase Transition // Zhurnal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, Vol.110, No. 6(12), pp. 2144-2167 (1996) (in Russian); Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 83, No. 6, pp. 1180-1192 (1996).
A.I. Olemskoi, V.F. Klepikov, I.V. Koplyk, O.B. Krut'ko, A.V. Khomenko. Study of the Phase-Plane Portraits in Transformations of Systems with Competitive Interaction // Metallofizika i Novejshie Tekhnologii (Met. Phys. Adv. Tech.), Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 3-10 (1996) (in Russian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Numerical Investigation of Self-Organizing Systems that Arise in Plastic Deformation // Izvestija Vysshykh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Fizika, No. 6, pp. 3-8 (1996) (in Russian);Russian Physics Journal, Vol. 39, Iss. 6, pp.505-509 (1996)
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, V.F. Klepikov. Synergetic kinetics of a second-order phase transition // Ukrainskii Fizicheskii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Journal of Physics), Vol. 41, No. 7-8, pp. 756-761 (1996).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, V.F. Klepikov. Synergetic kinetics of a first-order phase transition // Ukrainskii Fizicheskii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Journal of Physics), Vol. 41, No. 7-8, pp. 762-767 (1996).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Phenomenological Theory of a Liquid-Glass Transition // Bulletin of Sumy State University, No. 1(7), pp. 35-47 (1997) (in Russian).
I.A. Kovalev, A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Theory of Kinetic Self-Organization of Structurizational Liquid// Bulletin of Sumy State University, No. 3, pp. 3-7 (1995) (in Russian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Synergetic theory of a liquid-glass transition // Journal of Physical Studies. – Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 167-174 (1998).
A.I. Olemskoi, R.Z. Valiev, A.V. Khomenko. On an Excited State of Grain Boundary in Nano- and Submicrocrystals // Metallofizika i Novejshie Tekhnologii, Vol.21, No.4, pp. 43-58 (1999) (in Russian); Met. Phys. Adv. Tech., Vol.19, No.4, pp. 605-628 (2001).
A.V. Khomenko, O.V. Yushchenko. Synergetic Theory for Transition between Modes of Traffic Flow // Bulletin of Sumy State University, No. 1(17), pp. 21-27 (2000) (in Russian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Phenomenological Equations of a Liquid-Glass Transition // Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 70, No. 6, pp. 6-9 (2000) (in Russian). Technical Physics, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 672 - 676 (2000).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Synergetic Theory of a Liquid-Glass Transition // Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 70, No. 6, pp. 10-15 (2000) (in Russian); Technical Physics, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 677-682 (2000).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, V.P. Koverda. Explosive Crystallization Mechanism of Ultradisperse Amorphous Films //Physica A, Vol. 284, Iss. 1-4, pp. 79-96 (2000).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Synergetic Theory for Jamming Transition in Traffic Flow // Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 63, pp. 036116-(1-4) (2001).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, D.O. Kharchenko. Self-organized Criticality within Fractional Lorenz Scheme // Physica A, Vol. 323, pp. 263-293 (2003).
A.V. Khomenko, O.V. Yushchenko. Solid-liquid transition of ultrathin lubricant film // Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 68, pp. 036110-6 (2003).
A.V. Khomenko. Synergetic second-order phase transition with complex order parameter // Bulletin of Sumy State University, No. 8(67), pp. 5-15 (2004) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, D.O. Kharchenko, O.V. Yushchenko. Jamming Transition with Fluctuations of Characteristic Acceleration/Braking Time // Bulletin of Lviv University, No. 37, pp. 44-56 (2004).
A.V. Khomenko. Influence of fluctuations of friction surfaces temperature on dynamic phase diagram // Bulletin of Sumy State University, No. 10(69), pp. 15-28 (2004) (in Russian).
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, D.A. Olemskoi. Field theory of self-organization // Physica A, Vol. 332, pp. 185-206 (2004).
A.V. Khomenko. Noise influence on solid-liquid transition of ultrathin lubricant film // Physics Letters A, Vol. 329, Iss. 1-2, pp. 140-147 (2004).
A.V. Khomenko, O.V. Yushchenko. Synergetic theory of ultrathin lubricant film melting // Bulletin of Lviv University, No. 38, pp. 18-29 (2005).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Influence of temperature correlations on self-similar behaviour of ultrathin lubricant film // Bulletin of Sumy State University, No. 4(76), pp. 70-87 (2005) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko. Phase kinetics of ultrathin lubricant film internal friction // Bulletin of Sumy State University, No. 8(80), pp. 68-77 (2005) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Stochastic theory of ultrathin lubricant film melting in stick-slip regime // Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 75, No. 11, pp. 17-25 (2005) (in Russian); Technical Physics, Vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 1408-1416 (2005);
A.V. Khomenko, Stochastic models of ultrathin lubricant film melting // Bulletin of Lviv University, No. 39, pp. 23-35 (2006).
A.V. Khomenko, M.V. Prodanov, Synergetic kinetics of boundary friction // Bulletin of Sumy State University, No. 6(90), pp. 74-84 (2006) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko. Influence of temperature dependence of viscosity on ultrathin lubricant film melting // Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 9, No.4(48). - pp.695-702 (2006).
A.V. Khomenko, M.V. Prodanov, Synergetic kinetics of ultrathin lubricant film melting // Physics and Technics of High Pressures, Vol. 16, No.4.-pp.164-179(2006) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, Influence of correlated fluctuations of temperature on phase dynamics of ultrathin lubricant film //Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 29-37(2007) (in Russian); Technical Physics, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 320-327 (2007);
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko. Hysteresis phenomena during melting of an ultrathin lubricant film // Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 886-890(2007) (in Russian); Physics of the Solid State, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 936-940(2007);
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko. Hysteresis phenomena at ultrathin lubricant film melting in the case of first-order phase transition // Physics Letters A, V. 366, Iss. 1-2. - pp. 165-173(2007); doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2007.02.010.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Melting of ultrathin lubricant film due to dissipative heating of friction surfaces // Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 77, No. 9. -pp.137-140(2007) (in Russian); Technical Physics, Vol. 52, No. 9, pp. 1239-1243 (2007).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Influence of temperature correlations on phase kinetics of boundary friction // Bulletin of Lviv University, No. 40, pp. 71-85 (2007).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko,Phase dynamics and kinetics ofthin lubricant film driven by correlated temperaturefluctuations // Fluctuation and Noise Letters. -Vol.7, No.2.-pp.L111-L133 (2007).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko,Phase dynamics ofthin lubricant film between solid surfaces at deformational defect of shear modulus// Journal of Physical Studies. – Vol.11, No.3.-pp.268-278 (2007) (in Ukrainian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko,L.S. Metlov, Phase dynamics and kinetics ofsevere plastic deformation //Metallofizika i Novejshie Tekhnologii, Vol.30, No. 6, pp. 859-872 (2008) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko,L.S. Metlov, Thermodynamics ofsevere plastic deformation with account of noise //Bulletin of Sumy State University. Physics, Mathematics and Mechanics, No. 1, pp. 5-21 (2008) (in Russian).
L.S. Metlov, A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko,Thermodynamic theory of ultrathin lubricant film melting // Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Physical and chemical principles of formation and modification of micro- and nanostructures” (October 8-10, 2008, Kharkiv, Ukraine) pp. 206-209 (in Russian).
Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, Molecular dynamics simulations of ultrathin water film confined between flat diamond plates// Condensed Matter Physics. - V.11, No. 4(56).- pp.615-626 (2008).
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, Influence of roughness of diamond surfaces on the behavior of ultrathin film of water confined between them // Physics and Technics of High Pressures, Vol.19, No.1. - pp.123-133(2009) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, V.N. Borisyuk, Self-similar phase dynamics of boundary friction // Ukrainian Journal of Physics. - V.54 , No. 11. - pp.1139-1148 (2009).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko,Effect of deformation defect of shear modulus on periodic intermittent regime of boundary friction // Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Physical and chemical principles of formation and modification of micro- and nanostructures” (October 21-23, 2009, Kharkiv, Ukraine). - pp. 172-176 (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, Yu.V. Scherbak, Numerical investigation of the bombardment of a graphene sheet by a beam of carbon atoms // Journal of Nano- and Electron Physics. - V.1 , No.2.- pp.66-78 (2009).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko,Periodic intermittent regime of boundary friction // Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 80, No. 1. -pp.27-33 (2010) (in Russian); Technical Physics, Vol. 55, No. 1. - pp. 26-32 (2010).
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, Molecular dynamics of cleavage and flake formation during the interaction of a graphite surface with a rigid nanoasperity// Carbon . - 2010. - V.48.- pp.1234-1243;
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, V.N. Borisyuk, Multifractal analysis of stress time series during ultrathin lubricant film melting // Fluctuation and Noise Letters. - 2010. - V.9, No.1. - P. 19-35.
N.V. Prodanov, A.V. Khomenko, Computational investigation of the temperature influence on the cleavage of a graphite surface // Surface Science. - 2010. - V.604.- P.730-740.
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov. Molecular dynamics of graphene preparation by mechanical exfoliation of a graphite surface // Functional Materials. - 2010. - V. 17, No. 2. - P. 230-237.
I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, L.S. Metlov, PhenomenologicalTheoryfortheMeltingofaThinLubricantFilmbetweenTwoAtomicallySmoothSolidSurfaces// Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki , Vol . 80, No . 8.- pp.120-126 (2010) (inRussian); Technical Physics, Vol. 55, No. 8. - pp. 1193-1199 (2010).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, A Stochastic Model of Stick-Slip Boundary Friction with Account for the Deformation Effect of the Shear Modulus of the Lubricant // Trenie i Iznos. - Vol.31, No. 4. -pp.412-422 (2010) (in Russian); Journal of Friction and Wear. - Vol.31, No. 4. -pp.308-316 (2010).
L.S. Metlov, A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, S.N. Chepulskyi, Non-equilibrium evolutional thermodynamics of boundary friction // Journal of Nano- and Electron Physics. - V.2 , No.2.- pp.79-93 (2010).
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov.Study of friction of Ag and Ni nanoparticles: an atomistic approach // Journal of Physical Chemistry C. - 2010. - V. 114 .- P. 19958-19965.
I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, L.S. Metlov, Thermodynamics and kinetics of boundary friction // Tribology International. - 2011. - V.44, No. 4. - P. 476-482.
I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, L.S. Metlov, Nonlinear thermodynamic model of boundary friction // Trenie i Iznos. - Vol.32, No. 2. -pp.30-44 (2011) (in Russian); Journal of Friction and Wear. - Vol.32, No. 2 (2011). - P.113-123.
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, Algorithm for realistic modeling of graphitic systems // Journal of Nano- and Electron Physics. - V.3 , No.2. (2011). - P.36-47.
L.S. Metlov, A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, Multidimensional thermodynamic potential for descriptions of ultrathin lubricant film melting between two atomically smooth surfaces // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2011. - Vol.14, No.1. - P.1-11.
I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, L.S. Metlov, Phenomenological theory of stick-slip mode of boundary friction // Ukrainian Journal of Physics.- 2011. - Vol.56, No.3. - P.278-286.
I.A. Lyashenko,L.S. Metlov, A.V. Khomenko, S.N. Chepulskyi, Non-equilibrium stationary modes of boundary friction // Journal of Nano- and Electron Physics. - V.3 , No.3.- pp.59-69 (2011).
I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, L.S. Metlov,Hysteresis phenomena of boundary friction // Physics and Technics of High Pressures. - Vol . 2 1, No.2 .-pp.67-80(2011) (in Russian).
A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, Thermodynamic theory of two roughsur faces friction in the boundary lubrication mode// Tribology Letters . - 2012. - Vol.48, No.1.- pp.63-75.;
I.A. Lyashenko, L.S. Metlov, A.V. Khomenko, and S.N. Chepulskyi, Nonequilibrium Kinetics of Phase Transitions in the Boundary Friction Mode // Journal of Friction and Wear. – 2012. - Vol. 33, No. 4. - pp. 244–252.
L.S. Metlov, M.M. Myshlyaev, A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, A model of grain boundary sliding during deformation // Technical Physics Letters. – 2012. – Vol. 38, Issue 11. pp. 972-974.
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, D.O. Sinko, Molecular dynamics of tribological processes at interaction of Cu and Au nanoparticles with graphene sheet // Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials:Applications and Properties, 2012. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2012. - Vol.1, No.1. - 01PCN18(4pp).
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, M.A. Khomenko, B.O. Krasulya, Frictional anisotropy of metal nanoparticles adsorbed on graphene // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2013. - V.5, No.3.- pp.03018(8pp).
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, B.N.J. Persson, Atomistic modeling of friction of Cu and Au nanoparticles adsorbed on graphene // Condensed Matter Physics. – 2013. – V. 16, No. 3. – pp.33401.
I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, A.M. Zaskoka, Hysteresis Behavior in the Stick–Slip Mode at the Boundary Friction // Tribology Transactions. – 2013. – V. 56, Issue 6. – P. 1019-1026.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, L.S. Metlov, A.M. Zaskoka, Non-equilibrium thermodynamic model of ultrathin lubricant film melting confined between two atomically-flat solid surfaces // Proceedings of V International congress «Non-ferrous metals». – Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2013 – P. 564-566.
I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, A.M. Zaskoka, K.S. Zhmaka, Hysteresis Phenomena in the Stick–Slip Motion at the Boundary Friction Mode // Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, 2013. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2013. - Vol.2, No.1. - 01NTF04(4pp).
A.V. Khomenko, Self-organization of adatom adsorption structure at interaction with tip of dynamic force microscope// Condensed Matter Physics. – 2014. – V. 17, No. 3.– P. 33401: 1–10.
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, D.V. Boyko, M.V. Zaharov, Thermodynamics of Fragmentation of Solids at Severe Plastic Deformation // Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, 2014. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2014. - Vol.3, No.1. – 01PCS16(4pp).
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, D.V. Boyko, M.V. Zaharov, The external periodic influence effect on the kinetics of metals fragmentation during the severe plastic deformation // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2015. - V.7, No.1.- pp.01039(11pp).
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, L.S. Metlov, Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Solids Fragmentation at Severe Plastic Deformation // Condensed Matter Physics. – 2015. – V. 18, No. 3. – P. 33004: 1–14.
A.V. Khomenko, D.V. Boyko, M.V. Zakharov, K.P. Khomenko, Ya.V. Khyzhnya, Atomistic simulation of properties of ultra-thin layer of liquid argon compressed between diamond surfaces // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2016. - V.8, No.1. – P. 01028(8pp).
A.V. Khomenko, K.P. Khomenko, V.V. Falko, Nonlinear model of ice surface softening during friction // Condensed Matter Physics. – 2016. - V. 19, No. 3. – P. 33002: 1-10.
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, L.S. Metlov, Modeling of Kinetics of the Materials Fragmentation Modes at Severe Plastic Deformation // Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol. - 2017. – V.39, No. 2. - P.265-284 (in Russian). DOI: 10.15407/mfint.39.02.265
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, L.S. Metlov, P.E. Trofimenko, Features of phase kinetics of metals fragmentation at severe plastic deformation // Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii (Nanosystems, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies). - 2017. – V.15, No. 2. - P. 203-220 (in Russian).
A. Khomenko, M. Khomenko, B. Persson, K. Khomenko, Noise effect on ice surface softening during friction // Tribology Letters. – 2017. – V. 65, Iss.2. – Art.71.
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, Ya.O. Kravchenko, M.A. Khomenko, Additive Gaussian noise effect on phase diagram of metal's fragmentation modes during severe plastic deformation // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2017. – V.9, No.3. - P. 03045 (8pp) (in Russian).
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, L.S. Metlov, Phase dynamics of metal fragmentation during megaplastic (severe) deformation // Deformatsiya i Razrushenie materialov (Journal of Deformation and Fracture of Materials). – 2017. – No.8. - P.2-10 (in Russian) Metallurgy (Metally). – 2018. Vol.2018, No.4. P. 295–302
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, I.O. Solonar, P.E. Trofimenko, Modeling the noise influence on the metals fragmentation modes at severe plastic deformation // Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, 2017. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2017. - Vol.6. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. - 01PCSI12-1-5.
A.V. Khomenko, D.V. Boyko, M.V. Zaharov, K.P. Khomenko, Ya.V. Khyzhnya, Molecular dynamics of aluminum nanoparticles friction on graphene // Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, 2017. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2017. - Vol.6. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. - 01NNPT01-1-4.
83. A.V. Khomenko, D.V. Boyko, M.V. Zakharov, Molecular Dynamics of a Thin Liquid Argon Layer Squeezed between Diamond Surfaces with a Periodic Relief // Journal of Friction and Wear, 2018, Vol.39, No.2, pp. 152–157.
A. Khomenko, M. Zakharov, D. Boyko, Bo N. J. Persson, Atomistic modeling of tribological properties of Pd and Al nanoparticles on a graphene surface // Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. – 2018, Vol.9, pp. 1239–1246.
A. Khomenko, Self-similar mode of ice surface softening during friction // Tribology Letters. – 2018. – V.66, Iss.3. – Art.82.
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, I.O. Solonar, M.A. Khomenko, A.M. Litsman, Phase Portraits of Metals Fragmentation Modes during Severe Plastic Deformation // Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, 2018. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2018. - Vol.1. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. – 01SPN61-1-6.
A.V. Khomenko, M.V. Zakharov, K.P. Khomenko, Ya.V. Khyzhnya, P.E. Trofimenko, Atomistic modeling of friction force dependence on contact area of metallic nanoparticles on graphene // Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, 2018. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2018. - Vol.4. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. - 04NNLS15-1-4.
A.V. Khomenko, Self-similar mode of metals fragmentation under severe plastic deformation // Ukrainian Journal of Physics, Vol.64, No.6, 2019, P.487–499.
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, L.S. Metlov, Effect of stochastic processes on structure formation in nanocrystalline materials under severe plastic deformation // Physical Review E. – 2019. V.100. P. 022110.
A. Khomenko, M. Zakharov, B.N.J. Persson, Frictional anisotropy of Al, Pt and Pd nanoparticles on a graphene substrate // Tribology Letters. – 2019. – V.67, Iss.4. – Art.113.
Khomenko A., Zakharov M., Persson B., Khyzhnya Ya., Trofymenko P., Logvinenko D. Correlation Anisotropy of Friction Force during Sliding of Metallic Nanoparticles on Graphene // In: Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Application Properties (NAP’19). Vol. 1, P. 01SSI05-1-4 (2019).
Khomenko A., Boyko D., Khomenko K. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thin Film of Carbon Disulfide between Diamond Plates // In: Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Application Properties (NAP’19). Vol. 2, P. 02TM17-1-3 (2019).
P.E. Trofimenko, M.V. Naida, A.V. Khomenko, Mathematical study of energy characteristics of centrifugal pump with single-vane impeller // Mathematical Modeling and Computing. - 2020. - Vol.7, No.2. - P. 366–372.
A. Khomenko, A. Shikura. Nonlinear kinetics of transition between transport flow modes // Physica A, Vol.557, p. 124965 (2020).
A.V. Khomenko, D.T. Logvinenko, Ya.V. Khyzhnya, Nonlinear model of ice surface softening during friction taking into account spatial heterogeneity of temperature // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, Vol.12, P. 04002-1-6 (2020).
A.Khomenko, O. Yushchenko, A. Badalian, Kinetics of Nanostructuring Processes of Material Surface under Influence of Laser Radiation // Symmetry. - 2020. - V.12. - P. 1914.
P.E. Trofimenko, M.V. Naida, A.V. Khomenko. Formation of Liquid Film on a Static Film Former // Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii (Nanosystems, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies). – V.18, No.3. – P. 565–576 (2020).
A. Khomenko, D. Boyko, K. Khomenko, Atomistic tribological investigation of ultrathin layer of carbon disulfide between diamond surfaces // To appear in Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. – 2020. doi: 10.1080/15421406.2020.1860531
D. Belous, A. Goncharov, A. Yunda, A. Khomenko, L. Vasilyeva, S. Goncharova, Influence of Protective Nanocomposite Coatings on the State of Heat Flow in the Cutting Insert // in: Proceedings of the IEEE 10th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties (NAP’20). IEEE, USA, 2021. - Vol. 1. - ID 01TFC22 -1-4.
- Khomenko A., Zakharov M., Atomistic modelling of frictional anisotropy of palladium nanoparticles on graphene // Condensed Matter Physics. – 2021. - V.24, No.1. – P. 13301: 1-6.
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, V.P. Koverda. Explosive Crystallization Mechanism of Ultradisperse Amorphous Films // cond-mat/9907456.
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Synergetic Theory for Jamming Transition in Traffic Flow // cond-mat/0004066.
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko. Field Theory of Avalanche Formation // cond-mat/0008121.
A.I. Olemskoi, A.V. Khomenko, D.O. Kharchenko. Self-organized Criticality within Generalized Lorenz Scheme // cond-mat/0104325.
A.V. Khomenko, D.O. Kharchenko, O.V. Yushchenko. Jamming Transition with Fluctuations of Characteristic Acceleration/Braking Time within Lorentz Model // cond-mat/0204132.
A.V. Khomenko. Noise influence on solid-liquid transition of ultrathin lubricant film // cond-mat/0403502.
A.V. Khomenko. Influence of temperature correlations on phase dynamics and kinetics of ultrathin lubricant film //cond-mat/0510465.
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko. Hysteresis phenomena at ultrathin lubricant film melting in the case of first-order phase transition // cond-mat/0610144.
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov. Molecular dynamics simulations of ultrathin water film confined between flat diamond plates // (2008).
L.S. Metlov, A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko. Multidimensional thermodynamic potential for descriptions of ultrathin lubricant film melting between two atomically smooth surfaces // (2009).
I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, L.S. Metlov. Thermodynamics and kinetics of boundary friction // (2010).
A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, V.N. Borisyuk. Multifractal analysis of stress time series during ultrathin lubricant film melting // (2010).
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, Molecular dynamics of cleavage and flake formation during the interaction of a graphite surface with a rigid nanoasperity//
N.V. Prodanov, A.V. Khomenko, Computational investigation of the temperature influence on the cleavage of a graphite surface //
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov.Study of friction of Ag and Ni nanoparticles: an atomistic approach //
A.V. Khomenko,Nonlinear model of hysteresis phenomena in dynamic force microscopy // .
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, B.N.J. Persson, Atomistic modeling of friction of Cu and Au nanoparticles adsorbed on a graphene sheet// 1302.6432 .
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, M.A. Khomenko, B.O. Krasulya, Frictional anisotropy of metal nanoparticles adsorbed on graphene //
A.V. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko, L.S. Metlov, Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Solids Fragmentation at Severe Plastic Deformation //
A.V. Khomenko, K.P. Khomenko, V.V. Falko, Nonlinear model of ice surface softening during friction //